Monday, January 19, 2009

India - World's Back Office

India continues to be the preferred back office of the world with China slowly catching up. India still commands a strong 26% of the IT service industry with China just 3%.

So how does the future stand for this Industry for India compared with China. China has a qualified work force which is one of the most essential needs for this Industry and also a supportive government which can give a healthy competition for India.

China disadvantages are the command over English and the protection of the intellectual property. These can be overcome by training and more stringent government regulations.

So will China catch up with Indic in this niche Industry? In India this Industry is still driven by the private sector. For India to continue to be the world leader there should be more support from the government and lot more improvement in infrastructure. India in the long term should also look at improving productivity and quality of these services by implementing innovative processes.

Hopefully with the changing attitude of our government and more focus on improving our infrastructure, and the great vision and international exposure of our IT leaders we should continue to be in the forefront of this Industry.

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